Scotland on 120 B&W Film // Landscape Photography
I've had a little backlog of film photographs sitting around from the last few months shot around Scotland that I finally decided warranted a post. Looking back on these photographs, I've begun to think of film photography as almost a working diary of my attitude to the world. So, now when I look through contact sheets or film reels, I ask myself questions: how can I dissect these photographs to better understand what I'm drawn to; why am I drawn to these particular things; what are the connections, what's the bigger story I'm trying to tell?
I recently learned the lovely Scots word stravaig, which means to wander aimlessly. Perhaps as of late I have felt a bit aimless in my photography. I've been focused on prints, box sets and logistics that I forgot a bit about the bigger story. As you'll see with these images, I've been experimenting with a wide range of scenes: some wider vistas, some longer exposures, some intimate details. I've also been visiting a wide range of locations: mountains, lochs, rivers, coastlines, forests. I think it's simply evidence of this wandering.
So instead of wandering aimlessly, I'm going to start wandering in search of a theme. Set out with positive attitude and intention. Certainly, I love just recording the natural beauty of it all; but really I'd love to structure my photographs around some form of longer project - maybe to do with water, a common element I find myself photographing over and over again. Inextricably, water is one of our greatest resources for life. Anyway, hope you have enjoyed the photographs!